The interests of members of this group span probability theory, decision theory, and game theory; statistical reasoning; computability and randomness; and the application of formal methods to issues of induction, scientific method and epistemology more generally.

Jeffrey Barrett  Professor Barrett is interested in chance and probability in physical theories, including notions of algorithmic randomness, and is currently working on a project that uses evolutionary  game theory to model salient features of empirical inquiry.

Kenny Easwaran    Professor Easwaran works on many topics in decision theory and formal epistemology, including mathematical issues around zero and infinity in probability, accounts of conditional probability, the contrast between accuracy and pragmatic value as foundations for epistemology, the contrast between causal and functional decision theory, and the apparent conflict between coherence and diversity in both individual and social epistemology.

Simon Huttegger  Professor Huttegger is interested in subjective probability, inductive reasoning and randomness. He is working on extending Carnap's inductive logic,  on dynamic coherence and updating probabilities, on probability kinematics, and on merging of opinions. He recently published a book, "The Probabilistic Foundations of Rational Learning," with Cambridge University Press.

Brian Skyrms  Professor Skyrms is interested in probability and induction, especially Bayesian accounts of inductive reasoning. This extends to inductive reasoning in decision and in games. He recently published a book of essays, From Zeno to Arbitrage, and is working on a new book, Ten Great Ideas About Chance, with Persi Diaconis.

Upcoming and Recent Workshops

On Reflection

Topics in Inductive Logic

First Salzburg-Irvine-Munich Workshop

Ongoing Activities of the Probability, Induction, and Formal Epistemology Group

Social Dynamics Seminar