Jeffrey Barrett  Professor Barrett's research has concerned the coevolution of language, inference, and empirical and mathematical knowledge in the context of signaling games. He is particularly interested in the evolution of complex rule-following behavior from the composition of simpler rules.

Simon Huttegger   Much of Professor Huttegger's work is on evolutionary game theory, especially the evolution of signaling and methodological issues of game theoretic models in biology.  He's also working on the topics in foundations of probability, inductive learning, and measurement in the life sciences.

Cailin O'Connor  Professor O'Connor has worked on diverse topics in the philosophy of biology and the social sciences including the evolution of signaling, learning, moral emotions, norms, and perception. Her general approach to these topics involves using game theory and evolutionary game theory to gain traction on questions that are otherwise difficult to tackle. Her current project looks at the emergence of inequitable social norms, and the impact of such norms on scientific progress.

Lauren Ross  Professor Ross's research concerns causal reasoning and explanation in the biological sciences. A main focus of her work involves examining diverse forms of explanation in biology, including explanations that appeal to distinct causal concepts such as mechanisms, pathways, and cascades. Her other interests include causal selection, pragmatic dimensions of explanation, and how scientists manage causal complexity in their efforts to understand phenomena in the world.

Brian Skyrms  Professor Skyrms's recent work has focused on applying dynamics of evolution and learning to issues in the formation of Social Contracts, broadly conceived. These include altruism and spite, co-operation and competition, signaling and the evolution of information transfer.

Kyle Stanford  Professor Stanford has worked on problems concerning the units of selection and the nature of biological species. More recently his interests in this area have centered on the evolution of higher cognitive functions in human beings and other primates, especially the evolution of complex forms of cognition, language, and moral psychology.

Faulty in this research group maintain close ties to the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences at UC Irvine.  During the fall and winter quarters, many faculty and students participate in the ongoing Social Dynamics seminar, organized by Skryms.  In this seminar, local and visiting scholars present original research in the behavioral sciences. 

Upcoming and Recent Events

Workshop on Human Cognitive Evolution

Workshop on Formal Social Epistemology

Mini-conference:  Reliable Signaling!

In the Light of Evolution VIII:  Darwinian Thinking in the Social Sciences

Social Dynamics Conference

Evolution, Game Theory, and the Social Contract Conference

Laguna Workshop:  Skyrmsfest

Laguna Workshop:  Philosophy of Biology

Ongoing Activities of the Biology and the Behavioral Sciences Group

Social Dynamics Seminar