Department Chair


James Owen Weatherall


Director of Graduate Studies


Cailin O'Connor


Director of Graduate Admissions


Simon Huttegger


Director of Undergraduate Studies


Kai Wehmeier


Graduate Advisor


Jennifer Gerson


Administrative Staff


Olga Dunaevsky
Logan Lanis




Mailing Address
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
739 Social Science Tower
University of California-Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100

Telephone: (949) 824-8851

Fax: (949) 824-8388



Direction (UCI Campus)
The Department Administrative Suite is located on the 7th floor of the Social Science Tower.
See: SST Building (201)

Directions to the campus can be found here.

Please email Olga at or Logan at if you would like to be added to the email list to receive information about upcoming colloquia or other research related events.