Colloquia 2000/2001

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All colloquia take place at 3pm in SST 777 (GPACS Conference room),
unless otherwise noted.

For further information regarding the specific time and location of a talk,
click on the appropriate hyperlink.

See also:
Philosophy Department Colloquia
or look at past colloquia.

Fall Quarter, 2000:

Date Speaker Title
October 6 Richard Creath
Arizona State University
" The Arc of an Argument:
Issues and Changes in Quine's Views on Analyticity
October 20 Richard Healey
University of Arizona
" Gauge Potentials:
Physical Reality or Mathematical Fiction?
October 27 Laura Ruetsche
University of Pittsburgh
" In space, no one can hear you steam: Hawking radiation,
Rindler quanta, and the interpretation of quantum field theory
(UCI-UCSD Colloquium in Logic and Philosophy of Science)
November 3 Achille Varzi
Columbia University
"Sense and reference of event names"
(co-sponsored with the Philosophy & Linguistics colloquium series)
December 1 Jamie Tappenden
University of Michigan
A Reassessment of the Mathematical Roots of Frege's Logicism:
Some History, Some Philosophy

Winter Quarter, 2001:

Date Speaker Title
January 12, 2001 Alva Noë
University of California,
Santa Cruz
"Is the visual world a grand illusion?"
January 19, 2001 Jonathan Cohen
University of British Columbia
" Color Properties and Color Experience:
When and When Not To Be A Functionalist"
January 26, 2001 Richard Zach
University of California, Berkeley
"The Practice of Finitism -- epsilon-Calculus
and Consistency Proofs in Hilbert's Program
February 2, 2001 Thomas Polger
University of Cincinnati
"Putnam's Intuition:
Varieties of Multiple Realizability Worth Wanting
Febryary 9, 2001 Kent Johnson
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
" On Semantic Structure"
February 23, 2001 Mark Wilson
University of Pittsburgh
"On Cracked Reasoning "
March 16, 2001 4pm
SSPA 2112
Note non-standard
time and pace!
Robert Stalnaker
"Counterfactuals, Dispositions, and Games"

Spring Quarter, 2001:

April 6, 2001 Michael Stöltzner
University of California, Irvine
Universität Salzburg
Institut Wiener Kreis, Vienna
" Opportunistic Axiomatics
John von Neumann on the Methodology of Mathematical Physics
April 20, 2001 Volker Halbach
University of California, Irvine
Universität Konstanz
" Possible Worlds Semantics for Intensional Predicates"
May 4, 2001 Thomas Forster
University of California, Irvine
Cambridge University
" Reasoning about Virtual Entities
May 18, 2001 Vann McGee
"The Maiasaur Problem"
May 25, 2001 Thomas Forster
University of California, Irvine
Cambridge University
"Reasoning about Virtual Entities II"
June 1, 2001 Peter Godfrey-Smith
Stanford University
"Adventures in Indoor Ornithology"
June 8, 2001 Craig Callender
UC San Diego
"Taking Thermodynamics (Too) Seriously"

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